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About the employer

The Catholic University of Saint Anthony (UCAM), is characterized by offering students an integral education based on the combination of in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge, in addition to a values-based education rooted in the principles of Christian humanism. Renowned professors and a team of personal tutors keep track of their students from the beginning of their studies until the end, always with the aim of providing tools to improve their student's performance, while strengthening their education.

Our goal is to train professionals capable of transforming society, creating equality and promoting improvements that enable the shaping of a fairer world, respecting the dignity of man from conception to natural death.

Since its inception UCAM has been committed to quality throughout its education and research endeavors, hereby developing and implementing interactive methods of teaching and learning: small groups, tutorial support sessions, teamwork, internship programs across all degrees,

end-of-degree projects, new technologies, a WIFI network throughout the campus, a virtual platform, as well as numerous computer stations. Hence, it is not surprising that UCAM has successfully adapted to the European Higher Education Area.

UCAM is accredited by ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain) as well as by the Ministry of Education with regards to 17 of its undergraduate degrees. The University also offers more than thirty official Masters Degrees and Doctoral Studies. Currently, the implementation process of the undergraduate degrees is effective; eight degrees are in the process with favorable results. This is the result of the work, effort, and responsibility of our highly qualified professors, specialized in both academic and research tasks. This is attested by the high number of Doctors and the wide range of research lines. Another one of UCAM's distinguishing features is its focus on internationalization - a key aspect in our globalized world. UCAM has cooperation agreements with prestigious universities around the world such as Berkeley, Chicago, Bologna, etc.

The Catholic University San Antonio puts significant effort into increasing the employability of recent graduates. Currently, the percentage of students finding a job after graduation lies at 86% in total.

UCAM works for its students. They are individuals, with a name and a history. Our purpose is to contribute to the personal and professional success of everyone involved by emphasizing the University's principles.

What is HRS4R?

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The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is the mechanism through which the European Commission aims to ensure that universities and research institutions take concrete steps to improve the working conditions of researchers, as set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct.

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