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Charles Sturt University

Mehrere Standorte Wagga Wagga, Australien
Bathurst, Australien
Albury, Australien
Dubbo, Australien
Orange (State of New South Wales), Australien
Port Macquarie, Australien
Canberra, Australien
Zur Website

Über den Arbeitgeber

Charles Sturt University is one of Australia's highly respected national universities offering around 400 courses to approximately 38,000 students worldwide. Charles Sturt University is Australia's fifth largest university, and consistently ranks as having one of the highest graduate employment rates of any Australian university. Our high quality courses are delivered with a significant component of work integrated learning, ensuring graduates are skilled to meet industry needs, and have the opportunity to develop strong relationships with industry professionals from the start of study. Charles Sturt University is a community that embraces diversity and nurtures individual growth. At Charles Sturt we value economic, social and environmental sustainability. Charles Sturt University gives back to the local community by providing an excellence in our courses and the businesses that arise from them.

Future developments and plans

Whether it be building on our already extensive range of on campus facilities or taking extra measures to ensure our environmental sustainability, Charles Sturt University is always looking to the future.

On campus construction

Major capital project activities are continually taking place across our campuses with the construction of new buildings, refurbishment of existing buildings and other infrastructural developments. Current activities include the construction of dental clinics at the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, and Dubbo campuses.

Charles Sturt University Green

As Charles Sturt University works towards it sustainability targets, Charles Sturt University Green, will focus on significant reductions in the University's waste, water and energy use and greenhouse gas emissions over the next five years. Converting Charles Sturt University into a sustainable university is not just about building efficient infrastructure, but also fostering cultural change towards more sustainable practices among staff, students and the wider regional communities.


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