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At Fulda University of Applied Sciences, approximately 9,000 students are enrolled on around 60 Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. More than 170 professors teach and carry out research in the eight departments, around half of them are women. In terms of research, Fulda University is one of the most active universities of applied sciences in Germany and it has been awarded the right to independently confer doctoral degrees. The University employs a total of around 850 persons. Fulda University of Applied Sciences attaches great importance to high teaching standards and comprehensive student support. It maintains close contacts with partner institutions in the region and at the same time has a strong international focus. The university's internationalisation strategy is further strengthened by its membership of the European University Alliance E³UDRES². Fulda University of Applied Sciences offers students excellent learning and working conditions on an attractive, modern and interconnected campus and has been awarded the title of "University with a strong focus on equality".
The Department of Applied Computer Science at Fulda University of Applied Sciences is seeking to fill, at the earliest opportunity, the position of
Your areas of responsibility:
Your profile:
What we offer you:
The University of Applied Sciences is committed to providing high-quality student supervision and networking in the region. Professors are expected to be frequently present.
According to Articles 67, 68 of the Hesse Higher Education Act (HessHG), appointment is subject to the following requirements:
A person appointed professor for the first time will have the status of a civil servant on probation in accordance with Article 67 (7) HessHG. The probationary period is three years. The position is permanent.
Fulda University of Applied Sciences is committed to fostering equal opportunities and explicitly welcomes applications from people in all their diversity. If equally qualified, persons with disabilities will be given a preference in the application procedure. On principle, the position may be shared. Fulda University of Applied Sciences is certified as a family-friendly university.
The state of Hesse supports civic engagement. If you work in such a capacity, and in case this is beneficial for your planned activities, please specify your civic engagement in the application documents. If you have acquired a qualification abroad, please enclose with your application confirmation from the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) that your qualification is comparable to a German degree (long version of the Statement of Comparability). For more detailed information, go to: https://www.kmk.org/zab/zentralstelle-fuer-auslaendisches-bildungswesen/zeugnisbewertung.html.
You do not need to submit a Statement of Comparability if the education qualification obtained abroad is explicitly listed in the ANABIN database. In this case, the ANABIN database must indicate that the qualification was awarded by a recognised institution of higher education and is classified as "comparable" to a German education qualification.
Please send the relevant application documents to the President of Fulda University of Applied Sciences by 28.11.2024. Applications should be submitted in PDF format by e-mail and sent to bewerbungen@hs-fulda.de. For any further queries on the position, please contact Prof. Dr. Sebastian Rieger (sebastian.rieger@informatik.hs-fulda.de)
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