
NCMM Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

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About the employer

NCMM is an international biomedical research institute with the overall objective of translating basic medical research into clinical practice. NCMM is particularly focused on disease mechanisms where Norway has clear strengths, including non-communicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, CNS-related disease and immune disorders. By establishing new diagnostic methods and identifying potential drug targets, as well as adapting medical technologies for more patient-specific applications, the NCMM is developing new therapeutic strategies for commercial exploitation.


The NCMM was formally established in October of 2008 and, together with the Finnish Institute for Molecular Medicine (FIMM, University of Helsinki) and the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS, Umeå University), composes the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. The purpose of this partnership is to facilitate scientific collaboration, and thereby capitalise on both intellectual and material resources within the Nordic region in order to exploit emerging technologies and to develop molecular and personalized medicine.


The NCMM is a joint venture among the University of Oslo (hosting institution), the Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet) and South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst). The centre’s location in the Oslo Research Park results in overlap and co-localization with the Biotechnology Centre of Oslo and the Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience, thereby providing extensive access to infrastructure, instrumentation and core facilities, as well as theoretical and technical expertise. Furthermore, with its mandate to facilitate translational research in Norway, NCMM partnered with 11 other European molecular medicine institutes inEATRIS (EU-ESFRI project European Advanced Translational Infrastructure), as well as pursuing several othercollaborations and projects.


As a partner institution of EMBL, the leading European institution in molecular life sciences, NCMM conforms to the EMBL model in terms of its organization, administration and quality assessment, as well in its international recruitment of researchers (more information). Six outstanding internationally recruited young scientists have already been hired as NCMM research group leaders. The specific combination of internationally recognized co-operation partners, state-of-the-art facilities, access to Nordic resources and EMBL structure, and outstanding internationally recruited scientific staff provides NCMM with tools needed to achieve excellence in translational medical research.


The research conducted by the centre is linked to both biotechnology and bio-pharmaceutical industries, which is important in terms of technological development and health-related infrastructure. This co-operation, in combination with access to EMBL partners, will facilitate the translation of molecular medicine research into medical treatment, thus bridging the gap between scientific discovery and patient care.

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