
International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science in Stuttgart (IMPRS-CMS)

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About the employer

The International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS) is a joint program of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF) and the University of Stuttgart. The MPI-FKF is one of the largest institutes in the Max Planck Society. It comprises eight research departments and a number of independent research groups with a total of about 500 employees. The objective of the MPI-FKF is high-quality fundamental research on condensed matter using advanced experimental and theoretical methods. The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading German research universities with a strong profile in engineering and natural sciences. A description of the whole range of research and top-notch facilities would be too long to give in detail here.

The precursor of the IMPRS-CMS was founded in 2002 as one of the first Max Planck graduate schools. On the basis of our rich experience in the training of doctoral students we have create an exciting, interdisciplinary, and dynamic environment for highly motivated young researchers. Close interaction and cooperation between physicists and chemists, experimentalists and theorists at all levels is an essential element of our program.

The backbones of the IMPRS-CMS curriculum are international schools on specific areas of a multi-disciplinary character. In addition to the structured program of scientific learning, a training program in complementary skills will be provided. All courses will be conducted in English, since the program is open to all nationalities. The thesis work can either be done in the Max Planck Institute or in certain groups at the University of Stuttgart.

Joining the IMPRS-CMS is possible for the spring and autumn semesters every year. The deadline for the autumn semester is February 28, and for the spring semester September 30, of the previous year.

We are proud on our international cooperations e.g. with the Max Planck Center for Quantum Materials of MPI for Solid State Research, the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada), and the University of Tokyo, and also about the good contacts to the ICQM at the Peking University. For more information and application please see our web pages.

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