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IHP - Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics

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About the employer


The IHP performs research and development in the fields of silicon-based systems, highest-frequency integrated circuits, and technologies for wireless and broadband communication. The focus of research at the institute is oriented towards issues relevant for business, resulting in applications for telecommunications, semiconductor and automotive industries, aerospace, telemedicine, and automation technologies. The institute has developed into an internationally recognized competence center for silicon-germanium technologies.

The strength of the IHP is evident in the scientific contributions to leading conferences around the world, by continuous success in attaining thirdparty funds and the steadily increasing number of international users of the Multi-Project Wafer and Prototyping Services. Along with the IHP staff's exceptional competence, the cutting-edge modern technological equipment plays an important role in this success.

The IHP provides an important bridge between academia and industry. The Joint Labs with universities and universities of applied science in the Berlin-Brandenburg region have been particularly successful in this cooperation.

Seeing is believing. You are cordially invited to pay us a visit and see the power of the IHP for yourself.

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