
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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Two hundred years ago, in 1810, Wilhelm von Humboldt's vision of a new type of university became reality. The newly founded Prussian alma mater was the first to introduce the unity of research and teaching, to uphold the ideal of research without restrictions and to provide a comprehensive education for its students. These principles of Wilhelm von Humboldt and a select group of contemporaries soon became general practice throughout the world. A new era of university and academic research had begun.

"Something which affects me personally more directly than anything else is the establishment of a new university here in Berlin."
Wilhelm von Humboldt (1810)

2010 marked the 200th anniversary of the Humboldt-Universität. Numerous events from October 2009 to December 2010 honoured the ideas of its founding fathers. In dialogue with the city of Berlin, the alma mater celebrated science, research and teaching, and the relevance of Humboldt’s founding principles for the present day.

During it’s history, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin has undergone many profound changes. The most recent reformation followed the Peaceful Revolution in East Germany in 1989. Many new outstanding professors were appointed from East and West, from Germany and from abroad.

As one of eleven German universities, the Humboldt-Universität was chosen “University of Excellence” in June 2012. It was successful in all three funding lines in the third round of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments and awarded for its future concept “Educating Enquiring Minds: Individuality – Openness – Guidance”. In an international comparison, Humboldt- Universität ranks among the top ten of German universities. Scientists here research socially relevant topics and challenges of the future and communicate these with the public. Humboldt-Universität invests all its energy in being a place of excellent research and teaching. It’s aim is to promote young talents and to positively influence society and economy outside the university framework.

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