
Hannover Medical School (MHH)

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About the employer

The Hannover Medical School, founded in 1965, is one of the world's leading university medical centres. Our research and patient care set national and international standards. We are also part of an excellent regional medical network.

Our outstanding success in interdisciplinary collaboration both within the MHH and with extramural scientific institutions is reflected in the fact that the MHH is the German medical university with the greatest volume of grant funding.

Hannover Medical School (MHH), with around 10,000 employees the largest state enterprise in Lower Saxony, is a university institution for research and teaching in human medicine and dentistry and a university hospital providing supramaximal care. Research, teaching, patient care and administration work hand in hand in the integration model on the MHH campus.

We attach great importance to delivering high-quality teaching. More than 3,800 young people study at Hannover Medical School (MHH). Courses on offer range from the major degree programs in Human Medicine and Dentistry, Bachelor and Master's programs in life science and health science subjects, as well as specialized PhD programs and post-graduate programs, organized at MHH’s own graduate school, Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS).

MHH has already been awarded the "Family-Friendly University Audit" certificate six times. There are three day-care centres on campus, offering all-day childcare facilities for a total of 404 children. These facilities, including a crèche, nursery school and after-school care centre, are designed for children of staff and students.

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