University of Tartu (UT)

2-year postdoc position in Geoinformatics

2024-11-15 (Europe/Tallinn)
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We are looking for a 2-year (can be extended) postdoc in geoinformatics to work on novel data cube implementations in Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS). The research is part of the “Creating Water-Smart Landscapes” project funded by European Research Council and Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Land Use.  You will be working in the Landscape Geoinformatics Lab in the Department of Geography, University of Tartu. 

A close-up of a globe

Description automatically generated

Core tasks include:

  • conduct a literature review of DGGS theory, designs, and implementations
  • systematically test and assess different data indexing, conversion, and re-gridding algorithms into selected DGGS under practical computing performance and data storage considerations (i.e. data ingestion)
  • develop and automate workflows for data ingestion (pipelines) for raster and vector into a DGGS-indexed large data storage and analysis framework (database, datacube)
  • evaluate efficient query and analysis patterns for DGGS-based data (spatial queries, traversal, aggregation)


Educational background in Geoinformatics, Computer Science, Physics or related fields. We are open to consider various levels of professional experience.

We expect:

  • PhD in Geoinformatics, Computer Science, Physics or related fields (ideally graduated within last 5 years)
  • Experience in writing scientific publication and projects
  • Good knowledge of Python and data-focused programming
  • An interest in or experience with geospatial data and applications, in particular:

GeoPandas, Shapely, Rasterio, Xarray, and a general overview of the Pangeo & Jupyter ecosystem

To apply

Please send to latest by 15th of November: 

  1. your CV (max 2 A4),
  2. a list of research publications,
  3. motivation letter (max 1 A4),
  4. copies of MSc diploma and transcripts and PhD diploma

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Job details

2-year postdoc position in Geoinformatics
Ülikooli 18 Tartu, Estonia
Application deadline
2024-11-15 23:59 (Europe/Tallinn)
2024-11-15 22:59 (CET)
Job type
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UT is Estonia's leading centre of research and training. It preserves the culture of the Estonian people and spearheads the country's reputation.

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