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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

IWRI - Postdoctoral researcher position in Hydrogeophysics, Applied Hydrogeology, and Hydrogeological Modeling

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About the employer

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) is an internationally oriented institution of higher learning, that is committed to an educational system based on the highest standards of teaching and research in fields related to the sustainable economic development of Morocco and Africa. UM6P is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation. On a specific focus on Africa, UM6P aims to position these fields as the forefront and become a university of international standing.
More than just a traditional academic institution, UM6P is a platform for experimentation and a pool of opportunities, for students, professors and staff. It offers a high-quality living and study environment thanks to its state-of-the-art infrastructure. With an innovative approach, UM6P places research and innovation at the heart of its educational project as a driving force of a business model.
In its research approach, the UM6P promotes transdisciplinary, entrepreneurship spirit and collaboration with external institutions for developing up to date science and at continent level in order to address real challenges.
All our programs run as start-ups and can be self-organized when they reach a critical mass. Thus, academic liberty is promoted as far as funding is developed by research teams.

About IWRI:
UM6P-IWRI International Water Research Institute is dedicated to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary education and research around water and climate.
The objectives are to conduct cutting-edge research where local themes are connected to global issues of water and climate, with a focus on:

  • Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
  • Development of water-related technologies (irrigation, water supply and sanitation, desalination, demineralization, treatment and recycling for water reuse)
  • Water-Energy-Food-Health-Education Nexus
  • Water in and for Soil, Droughts and desertification
  • Water-Related Hazards 
  • Floods (“Hydrometeorological” hazard)
  • Ground Instability
  • Water Pollution
  • Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies
  • Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM)
  • Water information, knowledge and decision systems
  • Forecasting and Warning Systems
  • Environmental Considerations and Sustainable development

Job description: 
The International Water Research Institute (IWRI) at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position specializing in the application of geophysics in hydrology, applied hydrogeology and hydrogeological modeling.

This is a broadly defined position in the field of the applications of geophysics in hydrogeology. However, we particularly welcome applicants with skills and expertise in one or more of the following fields or related subjects that will complement IWRI’s research and teaching programs:

  • The hydrological cycle in arid and semi-arid contexts to understand the interaction between groundwater systems and the other systems at the watershed scale.
  • Environmental geoscience and the application of geophysics in hydrogeology for improved understanding of aquifers, groundwater resources exploration, and subsurface processes over multiple scales.
  • Groundwater flow modelling and mechanisms of pollutants transport in aquifers.
  • Integrated hydrological modelling using remote sensing and ground data, designing and/or using physically based and numerical models for the same purposes.
  • Experience in simulating and assessing environmental responses at multiple scales to plan sufficient resource management strategies.

The position is open to applicants who hold a PhD in the subject discipline: hydrogeophysics, applied hydrogeology, hydrogeological modeling, geospatial approaches relevant to hydrology and water resources, or any closely related fields. Good communication skills, both verbal and written are important. 

  • Experience with field measurements/activities, especially the drilling techniques.
  • Hands-on experience with the use of geophysical instruments (e.g. well logging, seismic methods, Proton nuclear magnetic resonance).
  • Familiarity with water resources issues in Morocco will be an added value. 
  • Experience in technical aspects related to water resources is welcomed. 

Key duties:
Successful candidates are expected to:

  • Have the desire and ability to teach courses at the undergraduate level related to the candidate's areas of research interest.
  • Perform multidisciplinary research and maintain a funded research program.
  • Publish the results of personal and sponsored research in peer-reviewed international journals.
  • Pursue scholarly and professional activities that will keep him/her at the leading edge of his/her field.
  • Contribute to the University and the department’s activities

Criteria of the candidate:    

  • PhD in the subject discipline
  • Relevant experience in the subject discipline. 
  • Demonstrated understanding of operational requirements for a successful research project and managing resources.
  • Proven ability to identify and fulfil the academic writing requirements for target publications.
  • Ability to generate new ideas, and links, and to build upon existing ideas to generate good concepts and solutions.
  • Willingness to work independently and to collaborate with a diversified team by adopting a multi-disciplinary approach.
  • Demonstrated teaching and training skills.

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Job details

IWRI - Postdoctoral researcher position in Hydrogeophysics, Applied Hydrogeology, and Hydrogeological Modeling
Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir, Morocco Benguerir, Morocco
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About the employer

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

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